Things went rather smooth. The flight was a little late leaving but no one seemed bothered. There wasn’t a YouTube moment being filmed. It was so peaceful I almost nodded off and that’s unusual for me. I can’t sleep in any type of moving transportation.
But, things were about to get interesting in a very peculiar way.
Arrival was smooth but about to get bumpy. It seemed like forever for the luggage to show up and I had memories of Warsaw, Poland on my mind. They lost my luggage!!! Long story for another time.
I’m strolling along with my luggage as everyone else and I get picked out by security to have my luggage inspected. So, I oblige and open up one of my suitcases (I’m here for a month) and there’s my battery operated blender for my protein shakes that the security grabs. He holds it up, looks at me strangely and I said it’s for my cafe’. I think he had some sort of kinky thought.
Next, my ground transportation (Sun Transfer which I usually use in my travels). There’s no one here with a sign with my name on it! I ask around, to no avail. Everyone was helpful and all I could think of was I spent $60 for this one-way trip and I’m gonna have to hire a taxi!
Come to find out the taxi is $120!!! No way, Jose’!!!
Every taxi driver was after me! I felt like shark meat!!!
I knew there was a better and cheaper way, ADO Bus. I went to the ADO counter and it cost me $28. Plus I got my $60 refund from Sun Transfer. I’m winning.
From the ADO bus terminal down 5th Avenue to my condo was a little shy of a half mile. Not too shabby.
By the time I’m to the condo, it’s almost 6pm, I’m tired, hungry and thirsty! I couldn’t find the 7-11 or Oxxo stores so I made the mistake of going into one of the large pharmacy tourist traps. $$$$ Never again!
Arrangements were also made to stay one more night in the condo at no charge, canceled hotel for that one night in Cancun (to be closer to the airport) saving $180 and I’m gonna ride the ADO Bus back to the airport on the cheap.
All in all! FAB Day!!!
More to come!
Peace, love, and beaches,