I actually been scratching my head a bit lately… Not just because I’m losing hair but because my first major change of 2024 which started a couple months back in 2023, like October hasn’t reared its beautiful head yet! The thing I can’t do is allow my patience to turn into impatience.

So, I wait.

But, not without doing stuff and exploring some other options or looking for options that I haven’t discovered yet.

I’m on the clock whether I want to be or not…there’s a deadline involved. And while it isn’t for this month, it does affect my 2025 in a way that I wasn’t wanting.

The noticeable thing about the direction is that it’s been unwavering.

You see, we’ve been with Mandy our oldest daughter for almost 2 years and she had an awesome happening take place in her life a year ago that has changed its trajectory astoundingly. She’s buying a house on January 9, 2024 in Louisiana to be near of grandkids and that really doesn’t include me. Not as a decision on her part but rather on mine. You see, my heart is in Florida near the water and my ambition is to do some traveling again. (I will be in Bon Aire in October for a bit which I’m excited about.)

At the same time that this is goin on I have to increase my streams of income; writing books, recording music, and photography. So there’s not much time for anything else. Hell, I don’t get to bar hop like I used too! Too busy!!!

I’m sure that things will find a way thru all the efforts, it’s just a bit uncomfortable for the time being.

Meanwhile I have added a study of ‘Therapeutic Peptides’ to my readings. That started tomorrow.

Something that’s of interest to me that I’ll do after I’ve moved or while traveling (that’s an option) is studying the chemistry of cooking, the chemistry of food and our bodies and the bioavailability of vitamins and supplements.

I find those very interesting.

I think what I’m gonna do in the meanwhile is delve into some of my past travels and see what’s stimulating, write about it and explore some new awesome alternatives…or heck maybe I’ll just go back to some of those places for extended visits. I’m open!

There’s an ‘excitement’ about this. It’s waiting for the magic!!! I can sense things happening while yet they are unseen and it’s that experience that will ‘birth a new Adventure’!

Peace, love, and beaches,


I Miss This, But….

For me, there’s nothing better than a beach. That includes a beach bar.

There’s just something really special about lounging on a sandy beach, freshening myself in the waters. I love it. I feel rejuvenated. Rejuvenated! How about juvenated??

I got curious…’juvenated’. So, I looked it up. There’s no definition!!! You (at least I) would think that for something to be ‘re’ that there should be an original state that needs to be ‘re’ for whatever reason. That doesn’t seem to be the case with the word ‘rejuvenated’.

Back to the beach.

Give me a hut on a Caribbean island beach with an endless supply of ice cold beer, tequila, and rum and I would be totally contented. You may never hear from me again. Blog? What blog? Internet…not necessary. I’d love to have a guitar too.

This is a different world for me, one that I prefer over all else.

There’s a small coastal village not far from here, Paamul. Basically, it’s nothing but tiny beach homes… No gated community. No grocery. Only a restaurant, a small pool and the beach adorned with lovely palm trees and a breeze.

Unfortunately, I’ve been a bit ill which has put a damper on my beach time. The illness, for the most part is behind me. And though I’ve been a bit on the ill side, I have not allowed it to totally put a damper on my pleasures. It was an illness of inconvenience for the most part. A bit scary but that’s for another time.

I find the beach such a pleasure. Most people I speak with about the beach is their complaining about the ‘sand’. Yes, there’s sand there. Will it stick to you, yes it will. Can it be an inconvenience…yes, I guess it can. For me, it’s just a part of life. I love some of the sand art that people leave behind. Sometime I just walk the beach exploring, looking for castles in the sand or whatever else the artist presents.

Sometime, it’s a place of solitude for a soul to seek out…

Or maybe a place of resolution…

I’m optimistic…the beach is a place of discovery….a place of magic. For me there’s nothing negative. Not even during a storm. Don’t get me wrong, there’s lightening, water dangers etc. but, there’s also the super charged ‘negative ions’ (negative ions are a positive for humans) that are at work. That’s the thing that’s so attractive to me about the beach, the negative ions. They are my reason for being there…and it’s not necessarily a cognitive thought. I know that’s the greatest source of positive influence on my being.

Times have changed though. I no longer can stay out in the sun like I did in days gone by. But, to occasion the beach…aaaahh!

Have a ‘beach’ of a FAB day!

Peace, love, and beaches,
